dependent variable

[diˈpendənt ˈvɛəriəbl]
  • 释义
  • 因变量,应变数,他变数;因变数;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Because of the extraneous and uncontrolled factors, those may affect the dependent variable.

    由于许多外来的无法控制的因素, 这些因素可能影响应变因素.

  • 2、

    Is the dependent variable appropriate for the study?


  • 3、

    It can explain more of the variation in the dependent variable.


  • 4、

    MIXED fixed effects sensitive to magnitude of dependent variable, floating point problems.

    混合固定效应敏感依靠规模变量, 浮点运算的问题.

  • 5、

    Are the criterion measures of the dependent variable appropriate, valid, and reliable?


  • 6、

    A functional is a kind of function where the dependent variable is itself a function.


  • 7、

    Poisson regression is a regression model for analyzing the dependent variable of count data.


  • 8、

    A function is a dependent variable, whose value depends on the value of an independent variable.

    函数是应变量, 其值取决于自变量的值.

  • 9、

    Linear Regression with Transformations of the dependent variable.


  • 10、

    Using genetic distance as independent variable and heterosis as dependent variable, we carried out regressing analyses.

    以遗传距离为自变量,杂种优势为依变量, 进行回归分析.

  • 11、

    In regression, we can have only one dependent variable in our estimating equation.

    在回归分析中, 估计公式只能有一个相关变量.

  • 12、

    Having An Issue with Our Dependent Variable?


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